Those Film Hole Boyz are back and wetter than ever. Brandon Karlis couldn’t go 18 seconds without a smoke break, Patrick Hunter calls actor Lakeith Stanfield “Layketh”, Robbie Clark is completely off his rocker about Logan (like he always is), Alex gets sloppy day drunk and Justyn does a terrible job of hosting it all. It’s literally everything you love about IDIOTSYNCRATIC and The Film Role Podcast! FILM ROLUNION - EPISODE 47 is making podcasting worse again!
Justyn and Alex each bring a different topic, weekly, called an 'Interest'. An Interest can range from rants, raves and literally nothing that anyone but them would care about -- and everything else in between.
We had the pleasure of being joined by the OG Film Role Podcast crew to discuss the weirdest movies we've ever seen-
Robbie Clark: www.iamrobbieclark.com
Brandon Karlis: www.instagram.com/brandonpkar
Patrick Hunter: www.youtube.com/patrickhunter
The news bits we covered today:
Stormy Daniels says Trump's penis looks like Toad from Mario Kart:
Church that firefighter was supposed to be married in bursts into flames:
What are we talking about today?
A Simple Favor
Under the Skin
Sorry to Bother You
Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
Heavy Metal
Join the conversation. Leave a voicemail: 682-422-9458
We also had the pleasure of partnering up with local brew house, Urban Alchemy Coffee + Wine Bar, for some of the most delicious cups we've ever had. Check them out at www.urbanalchemy.bar
Patreon: www.patreon.com/IDIOTSYNCRATIC
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1md7N0laKEY8mpLsDfCjA
Facebook: www.facebook.com/idiotsyncraticpodcast
Instagram: www.instagram.com/idiotsyncraticpodcast/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/IDI0TSYNCRATIC
We truly appreciate everyone who takes time out of their busy schedules to support us and share the show.
Theme: All My Friends by Pseudo Future.