Alex is living in his car, Jeremy doesn’t know what Phantom Dust is, Reid is actually Gilfoyle from Silicon Valley, Matt learns how to laugh and Justyn buys an XBOX One Series X for his 2 year old son. It’s an IDIOTSYNCRATIC x NIG Podcast crossover!
Justyn and Alex each bring a different topic, weekly, called an 'Interest'. An Interest can range from rants, raves and literally nothing that anyone but them would care about -- and everything else in between.
We had the pleasure of being joined by The NIG Podcast!
The news bits we covered today:
Students defeat new 'Barnacle' parking clamp, skip fines and get free internet.
US Space Force mocked for unveiling camouflage uniforms.
What are we talking about today?
We’re talking gaming for 2020!
Join the conversation. Leave a voicemail: 682-422-9458
We also had the pleasure of partnering up with local brew house, Urban Alchemy Coffee + Wine Bar, for some of the most delicious cups we've ever had. Check them out at www.urbanalchemy.bar
We truly appreciate everyone who takes time out of their busy schedules to support us and share the show.
Theme: Fill with Color by Pseudo Future.