Alex peed on poop, Bran takes 417 smoke breaks, Patrick poops green infant sludge, Robbie CONVERTS TO DC AND COMPLETELY RENOUNCES MARVEL and Justyn shows you a cat cumming.
Justyn and Alex each bring a different topic, weekly, called an 'Interest'. An Interest can range from rants, raves and literally nothing that anyone but them would care about -- and everything else in between.
We had the pleasure of being joined by Bran, Patrick Hunter and Robbie Clark.
The news bits we covered today:
First trailer for The Batman sees Robert Pattinson become the Dark Knight.
What are we drinking about today? The Tammy and the T-Rex drinking game! Rules courtesy of Drinking Game Cinema!
1. You see midriff. People keep saying the 90's are back, but until I see consistent male midriff I have yet to be convinced.
2. Tammy gets traumatized! Poor Tammy, always some new hell for her. You'd think with her own loft apartment, her own phone line, AND her own brain-boyfriend in a punch bowl, she'd have it made!
3. You spot a new necklace or hat (bonus points if you see both!). Chokers are back in fashion, but where are the kufi cap-pookah shell necklace combos??
4. Billy crashes the party. Godammit, Billy, get with the times! Violent, over-possessive boyfriends are OUT. Violent, over-possessive dinosaurs are IN.
5. You see Michael's dinosaur hands doing things! There's nothing more satisfying than seeing those tiny stubby arms accomplish everyday tasks. Michael the T-Rex is an inspiration to us all!
6. There is a close-up on someone's eye. What better way to showcase the existential anguish of today's modern man than a lidless human eyeball set in a T-Rex face?
7. Someone is manhandling a corpse. Did you ever think you'd see a dinosaur choosing his new body among a slew of fresh corpses paraded in front of him like that makeover scene in Pretty Woman? You did?? I am impressed and sickened, sir.
1. Link arms with your BFF and double-drink for the double crotch-grab!
2. FINISH YOUR BEER whenever you spot a boom mike.
Join the conversation. Leave a voicemail: 682-422-9458
We also had the pleasure of partnering up with local brew house, Urban Alchemy Coffee + Wine Bar, for some of the most delicious cups we've ever had. Check them out at www.urbanalchemy.bar
We truly appreciate everyone who takes time out of their busy schedules to support us and share the show.
Theme: Fill with Color by Pseudo Future.