Alex gets on his hands and knees and SCREAMS at his grass to grow, Nate takes the boiz to Bohemian Grove, and Justyn unlocks your third ear.
Justyn and Alex each bring a different topic, weekly, called an 'Interest'. An Interest can range from rants, raves and literally nothing that anyone but them would care about -- and everything else in between.
We had the pleasure of being joined by Nate Botello.
Thew news bits we covered:
Man allegedly killed family after father said get job or move out, police say.
One Kilo Bananas costs $45 and Black Tea costs $70: Severe Food Crisis in North Korea.
What are we talking about today?
Getting His Grass to Grow
Apple Music’s Spatial Audio
Bohemian Grove
Join the conversation. Leave a voicemail: 682-422-9458
Check out our sister shows!
Kinda Important Gaming Podcast
We truly appreciate everyone who takes time out of their busy schedules to support us and share the show.
Theme: Fill with Color by Pseudo Future.